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С помощью internet tethering можно использовать интернет подключение iPhone на десктопе или ноутбуке. Ниже приведено небольшое руководство для продвинутых пользователей. Всем остальным мы рекомендуем подождать новой версии PwnageTool или другой специальной утилиты.
A bsdiff patch to apply to CommCenter in 3.1.2 to re-enable tethering is available
USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! Your carrier may end up charging you for unauthorized tethering access.
Update #1 It looks like a lot of people have been looking at CommCenter lately because IRC user CleanAir
had a similar tethering patch. Meanwhile over in the 2G CommCenter, WhiteRat
and geniusan
Update #2 A few
sub_17538+74 4B F0 58 F8 BL validate_signature sub_17538+74 sub_17538+78 30 B1 CBZ R0, FAIL ; <--- PATCH THIS TO 00 20 (MOV R0,#0) sub_17538+78 sub_17538+7A 05 20 MOVS R0, #5 ; int sub_17538+7C 1C 49 LDR R1, =aValidatedWirel ; "Validated wireless modem connection wit"... sub_17538+7E 02 9A LDR R2, [SP,#0x24+var_1C] sub_17538+80 7E F0 00 ED BLX _syslog sub_17538+80 sub_17538+84 sub_17538+84 loc_175BC ; CODE XREF: sub_17538+70j sub_17538+84 02 9C LDR R4, [SP,#0x24+var_1C] sub_17538+86 05 E0 B loc_175CC sub_17538+86 sub_17538+88 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub_17538+88 sub_17538+88 FAIL ; CODE XREF: sub_17538+78j sub_17538+88 05 20 MOVS R0, #5 ; int sub_17538+8A 1A 49 LDR R1, =aCouldNotValida ; "Could not validate wireless modem conne"... sub_17538+8C 7E F0 FA EC BLX _syslog sub_17538+8C
bsdiff patches are the normal way that PwnageTool modifies Apple software. To apply one manually, you must first get the “bspatch” program. Then do:
bspatch CommCenter CommCenter-hacked CommCenter.patch
If you don’t have bsdiff but know how to use a hex editor, the differences are available
The correct SHA1 of the hacked file will be:
1b19712035f33654cf72838ebe1a2033931b56b2 # 3GS 063165c3fa3e21d30eb4b486fab924ba3ef0ea5e # 3G
You would then remove the original program and replace it. Don’t forget to ensure it has execute permission!
chmod +x /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter
After you’ve started using the hacked CommCenter, visit